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Evaluation of dormance sunflower seed lots

dc.creatorKojic, Jasna
dc.creatorMilivojević, Marija
dc.creatorPetrović, Tanja
dc.creatorVukadinović, Radmila
dc.description.abstractU Laboratoriji za ispitivaje semena Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje, u toku redovnog ispitivanja klijavosti semena suncokreta, uoĉeno je kod dve partije semena veliki broj neklijalog semena. Seme je stavljeno na naklijavanje dva puta sa razliĉitim temperaturnim režimom. U toku prvog ispitivanja seme je stavljeno na klijanje metodom između filter papira, hlađenje semena je trajalo 6 dana, energija klijanja je oĉitana ĉetvrtog dana a ukupna klijavost desetog dana. Seme je naklijavano u klijalištu na 200C sa režmom svetlosti 8 sati dan, 16 sati noć. U toku drugog ispitivanja, seme suncokreta je postavljeno na klijanje istom metodom između filter papira, hlađeno je 6 dana, energija klijanja je oĉitana ĉetvrti dan a završna klijavost deseti dan. Naklijavanje je obavljeno u sobi klijalištu na naizmeniĉnoj temperaturi 20<=>300C, sa svetlosnim režimom 8 sati dan, 16 sati noć. Urađen je i TTZ - tetrazolium test. Analizom dobijenih rezultata uoĉeno je da na kraju prvog ispitivanja izdvojen veliki broj neklijalog semena koje je bilo sveže bez simptoma bolesti. Na kraju drugog ispitivanja taj procenat je bio manji u odnosu na prvo ispitivanje. Naklijavanje semena na većoj, naizmeniĉnoj temperaturi 20<=>300C, u toku drugog ispitivanja, smanjilo je broj neklijalog semena. TTZ testom je potvrđena vitalnost neklijalog
dc.description.abstractA great number of nongerminated sunflower seed of two lots were observed during regular testing in the Seed Testing Laboratory of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. Seeds were germinated twice under different temperature regimes. In the course of the first test, seeds were germinated between filter paper, cooling lasted 6 days, the first count was done on the fourth day, while total germination was determined on the 10th day. Seeds were germinated in the germination cabinet at 200oC with 8 h (light) to16 h (night) regime. In the course of the second test, the method applied was the same: sunflower seeds were germinated between filter paper, cooling lasted 6 days, the first count was done on the fourth day, while total germination was determined on the 10th day. Germination was performed in the germination cabinet at the alternating temperature of 20<=>300oC, and the light regime of 8 h (light) to16 h (night). The TTZ -tetrazolium test was also performed. The analysis of obtained results showed that a great number of nongermination, but fresh and disease-free seeds were detected at the end of the first test. The corresponding percentage at the end of the second test was smaller. Seed germination at higher, alternating temperatures of 20<=>300oC, in the course of the second test, reduced the number of nongerminated seeds. Seed viability was confirmed by the TTZ
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo genetiĉara Srbijesr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.source6 Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva Genetiĉara Srbije i 9 Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, 07-11.05.2018. - Zbornik apstrakatasr
dc.subjectdormantnost semenasr
dc.subjectklijavost semenasr
dc.subjectseed dormancysr
dc.subjectseed germinationsr
dc.titleIspitivanje dormantnosti semena suncokretasr
dc.titleEvaluation of dormance sunflower seed lotssr

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