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Morphological and productive properties of miscanthus in a variable water regime

dc.creatorĐurić, Nenad
dc.creatorPopović, Vera
dc.creatorTabaković, Marijenka
dc.creatorJovovic, Zoran
dc.creatorĆurović, Milić
dc.creatorMladenović Glamočlija, Milena
dc.creatorRakašćanin, Nikola
dc.creatorGlamočlija, Đorđe
dc.description.abstractRezultati trogodišnjih mikroogleda, predstavljeni u ovom radu, deo su višegodišnjih istraživanja započetih 2012. godine na oglednom polju u Surduku. Predmet istraživanja je miskantus, klon uvezen iz Nemačke za potrebe introdukcije u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju energetskih useva. Zasad je zasnovan na černozemu na lesnoj zaravni koji pripada kategoriji najplodnijih zemljišta. U periodu 2016- 2018., postavljene su dve varijante istraživanja (kontrola i varijanta sa prihranjivanjem azotom). Tokom godišnjeg životnog ciklusa praćena je dinamika porasta biljaka, merenjem morfoloških pokazatelja u fenofazama najvažnijim za formiranje prinosa stabala. Posle berbe određeni su sadržaj vode i celuloze u vazdušno suvim stablima i obračunat prinos stabala. Dobijene vrednosti poređene su po godinama istraživanja da bi se odredio uticaj meteoroloških činilaca na godišnji porast miskantusa. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da miskantus vrlo dobro uspeva na plodnom zemljištu dajući visoku produkciju biomase. U trogodišnjem proseku dobijeno je 24.990 kg ha-1 vazdušno suvih stabala. Miskantus je tolerantan na letnje suše zahvaljujući snažnom i dubokohodnom korenovom sistemu koji se svake godine razvija i pojedine žile prodiru u duboke slojeve zemljišta. Tokom istraživanja u sve tri godine bilo je manje padavina od uslovno-optimalnih, ali je najpovoljniji mesečni raspored bio u 2018. godini. Raspored padavina u periodu april-oktobar ima najveću značaj na bokorenje, porast stabala i ukupan prinos biomase. U trogodišnjem proseku prihranjivanje azotom značajno je povećalo prinos suvih stabala, ali je efekat dopunske ishrane biljaka bio najveći u godini sa najpovoljnijim vodnim režimom. Proučavani tretmani nisu uticali na sadržaj celuloze u suvim stablimasr
dc.description.abstractThe results of three-year plot trials are part of several years of research started in 2012 in the field of Surduk. The subject of the research is a mischantus, a clone imported from Germany for introduction to energy crops production. The plantation has been formed on chernozem, which belongs to the category of the most fertile soils. In period 2016-2018 were two variants – control and variant with nitrogen top dressing. During the annual life cycle, the dynamics of plant growth are monitored by measuring morphological indicators in phenophases most important for the formation of dry stalks yields. After harvest during the winter, the content of water and cellulose in dry stalks were determined and the calculated yield of stalks. The obtained values of the morphological indicators and the yield were compared with the years of research in order to determine the effect of meteorological factors on the annual increase in the miscanthus. The results show that miscanthus grows well in fertile soil giving a high yield of dry stalks. The miskantus is tolerant of summer drought because it has a well developed root system. In the period April-October 2016-2018 there was less precipitation than the needs of plants, but the month schedule was most favorable in 2018. In the three-year average, nitrogen storage significantly increased the yield of dry stalks, but the effect of top dressing was the highest in the year with the highest rainfall. The studied treatments did not affect the cellulose content in dry
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska Skelasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31025/RS//sr
dc.source33. Savetovanje agronoma, veterinara, tehnologa i agroekonomista - Зборник научних радова Института ПКБ Агроекономикsr
dc.subjectvodni režimsr
dc.subjectmorfološke i produktivne osobinesr
dc.subjectwater regimesr
dc.subjectnitrogen top dressingsr
dc.subjectmorphological and productive propertiessr
dc.titleМорфолошке и продуктивне особине мискантуса у променљивом водном режимуsr
dc.titleMorphological and productive properties of miscanthus in a variable water regimesr



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