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Fizičko-hemijska svojstva zrna žutih i crvenih hibrida kukuruza iz Srbije

dc.creatorNikolić, Valentina
dc.creatorBožinović, Sofija
dc.creatorVančetović, Jelena
dc.creatorRadosavljević, Milica
dc.creatorŽilić, Slađana
dc.description.abstractPhysical traits, kernel structure and chemical composition of five yellow and five red kernel maize hybrids were the subjects of this study. The 1000-kernel weight, a physical indicator of grain quality, ranged from 325.76±7.47 g (ZP 555 red) to 375.63±4.18 g (ZP 606). The hard endosperm fraction content varied between 57.66±0.93% (ZP 4007) and 67.08±0.42% (ZP 366 red). Regarding chemical composition, starch was predominant constituent ranging from 66.80±0.18 (ZP 4007 red) to 72.96±0.37 (ZP 606). The highest protein content was detected in ZP 606 (10.72±0.11) and the lowest in ZP 7007 red hybrid (8.63±0.04%). Milling response was highly influenced by hard endosperm fraction content (0.81**), and starch content was strongly correlated to 1000-kernel weight (0.77**). Whole-grain maize flours produced from yellow and red kernels without removing the germ are naturally gluten-free and can be used as functional food ingredients. All yellow and red kernel maize hybrids investigated in this study showed good quality parameters regarding physical properties and variations in chemical composition which makes them suitable for different industrial uses, primarily for food and feed
dc.description.abstractFizičke karakteristike, struktura zrna i hemijski sastav pet hibrida kukuruza žutog i pet crvenog zrna, bili su predmet ovog istraživanja. Masa 1000 zrna, važan fizički pokazatelj kvaliteta zrna, kretala se u rasponu od 325,76±7,47 g (ZP 555 crveni) do 375,63±4,18 g (ZP 606). Sadržaj tvrde frakcije endosperma bio je od 57,66±0,93% (ZP 4007) do 67,08±0,42% (ZP 366 crveni), a meke od 32,92 ± 0,43% (ZP 366 crveni) do 42,34 ± 0,93% (ZP 4007). Skrob, kao najzastupljenija hemijska komponenta, varirao je od 66,80±0,18 (ZP 4007 crveni) do 72,96±0,37 (ZP 606). Najviši udeo proteina određen je u zrnu hibrida ZP 606 (10,72±0,11%), a najniži u ZP 7007 (8,63 ± 0,04%). Otpornost na mlevenje bila je u visokoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa udelom tvrdog endosperma (0.81**), a sadržaj skroba sa hektolitarskom masom (0,77**). Integralna kukuruzna brašna, dobijena mlevenjem celog zrna žutih i crvenih hibrida, su prirodno bezglutenska i mogu se koristiti kao sastojci funkcionalne hrane. Svi hibridi kukuruza žutog i crvenog zrna ispitivani u ovom istraživanju pokazali su dobre parametre kvaliteta u pogledu fizičkih svojstava i varijacija u hemijskom sastavu što ih čini pogodnim za različite industrijske namene, prvenstveno za proizvodnju hrane za ljude i ž
dc.publisherBelgrade : Serbian Association of Plant Breedings and Seed Producerssr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31028/RS//sr
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvosr
dc.subjectchemical composition, maize hybrids, physical traits, whole-grain maize
dc.subjecthemijski sastav, hibridi kukuruza, fizičke osobine, integralno kukuruzno brašnosr
dc.titleGrain properties of yellow and red kernel maize hybrids from Serbiasr
dc.titleFizičko-hemijska svojstva zrna žutih i crvenih hibrida kukuruza iz Srbijesr

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