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Integrisani sistem suzbijanja korova u kukuruzu - značaj plodoreda, hibrida kukuruza i herbicida

dc.creatorBrankov, Milan
dc.creatorSimić, Milena
dc.creatorDragičević, Vesna
dc.creatorKresović, Branka
dc.description.abstractIn recent years it has been generally recommended to conduct the control of weeds, pests and diseases not only by chemical means, but also through the use of all other available measures which can directly or indirectly affect the present harmful organisms. By applying such a system of pest control a long-term positive effect on the agro ecosystem is obtained. In the case of crop rotation, positive effects for cultures were achieved simultaneously with weed suppression. On the other hand, this system does not exclude chemical weed control, but indicates to its proper and rational use. At the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, the effects of two growing systems were tested in maize production: maize monoculture and maize-winter wheat crop rotation on weediness and grain yield of hybrids ZP 677 and ZP 606. The experiment was started in 2009, therefore year 2017 was the fourth rotation of the maize-winter wheat crop rotation system, i.e. the eight year of growing maize in a monoculture. Maize growing in crop rotation with winter wheat was more effective in weed suppression, when compared to the maize monoculture. No weed species were recorded when recomended doses of herbicides were applied in both maize hybrids in the crop rotation system. On the other hand, meteorological conditions have proven to be a limiting factor for maize production in 2017. Due to very high temperatures during the second part of the vegetation season the maize hybrids did not achieve their full potential with regards to yield, so in a way the effects of the applied treatments were reduced.en
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih godina opšta je preporuka da se suzbijanje korova, biljnih štetočina i prouzrokovača bolesti ne vrši samo hemijskim putem, nego da se koriste sve druge raspoložive mere kojima je moguće direktno ili indirektno uticati sa prisutne štetne vrste. Primenom takvog sistema borbe protiv štetnih organizama dobija se dugoročan pozitivan efekat na agroekosistem. U slučaju rotacije useva, odnosno plodosmene, evidentni su pozitivni efekti na gajene biljke i istovremeno smanjenje zakorovljenosti. S druge strane, ovaj sistem ne isključuje hemijske mere suzbijanja korova, nego upućuje na njihovu pravilnu i racionalnu upotrebu. Ispitivan je uticaj sistema gajenja kukuruza u monokulturi i dvopoljnom plodoredu kukuruz- pšenica na zakorovljenost i prinos zrna hibrida ZP 677 i ZP 606, na oglednom polju Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje u toku 2017. godine. Ogled je zasnovan 2009. godine, tako da je 2017. godine završena četvrta rotacija kukuruz-pšenica, odnosno osma godina gajenja kukuruza u monokulturi. Gajenje kukuruza u dvopoljnom plodoredu sa pšenicom se pokazalo kao efektivnije kada je u pitanju zakorovljenost. Kod oba hibrida sa primenom preporučene količine herbicida i plodoreda nije zabeleženo prisustvo ni jedne korovske biljke. S druge strane, kao ograničavajuću faktor su se pokazali meteorološki uslovi. Usled veoma visokih temperatura tokom 2017. vegetacione sezone hibridi kukuruza nisu mogli da pruže svoj maksimum, tako da je na izvestan način umanjen efekat primenjenih
dc.publisherHerbološko društvo Srbije
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31037/RS//
dc.sourceActa herbologica
dc.subjectcrop rotationen
dc.titleIntegrated weed management in maize: Crop rotation, hybrids and herbicidesen
dc.titleIntegrisani sistem suzbijanja korova u kukuruzu - značaj plodoreda, hibrida kukuruza i herbicidasr
dc.citation.other26(2): 95-101



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