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Komponente genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnost prinosa zrna silažnog kukuruza

dc.creatorSečanski, Mile
dc.creatorŽivanović, Tomislav
dc.creatorTodorović, Goran
dc.creatorŠurlan-Momirović, Gordana
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the following parameters for the grain yield of silage maize: variability of inbred lines and their diallel hybrids, superior-parent heterosis and components of genetic variability and heritability on the basis of the diallel set. The two-year four-replicate trial was set up according to the randomized complete-block design at Zemun Polje. It was determined that a genotype, year and their interaction significantly affected variability of this trait. The highest. i.e. the lowest grain yield, on the average for both investigation years. was recorded in the silage maize inbred lines ZPLB402 and ZPLB405. respectively. The analysis of components of genetic variance for grain yield shows that the additive component (D) was lower than the dominant (H1 and H2) genetic variance, while a positive component F and the frequency of dominant (u) and recessive (v) genes for this observed trait point to prevalence of dominant genes over recessive ones. Furthermore. this is confirmed by the ratio of dominant to recessive genes in parental genotypes for grain yield (Kd/Kr> 1) that is greater than unity in both years of investigation. The estimated value of the average degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 exceeds unity, pointing out to superdominance in inheritance of this trait in both years of investigation. Results of Vr/Vr regression analysis indicate superdominance in inheritance of grain yield. Moreover. a registered presence of non-allelic interaction points out to the need to study effects of epistasis, as it can have a greater significance in certain hybrids. A greater value of dominant than additive variance resulted in high values of broad-sense heritability for grain yield in both investigation years (98.71%, i.e. 97.19% in 1997, i.e. 1998, respectively). and low values of narrow-sense heritability (11.9% in 1997 and 12.2% in 1998).en
dc.description.abstractPravilna procena heterozisa, genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnosti neke osobine je veoma bitna sa stanovišta praktične selekcije, što je i bio cilj ovih istraživanja. Rezultati analize varijanse pokazuju visoko značajne razlike između ispitivanih genotipova za prinos zrna. kao i značajan uticaj godine i interakcija godina x genotip na varijabilnost ove osobine. Najveći prinos zrna su imali hibridi ZPLB401 x ZPLB406 (1997) i ZPLB404 x ZPLB406 (1998). Hibridi su u odnosu na linije ispoljili veće prosečne vrednosti za prinos zrna što je i očekivano obzirom da pri inbridingu dolazi do depresije ove osobine kod linija. Za većinu hibridnih kombinacija utvrđene su visoke vrednosti heterozisa, dok je hibrid ZPLB402 x ZPLB403 pokazao negativnu vrednost heterozisa za prinos zrna (-11.0 do -31.7%). Analiza komponenti genetičke varijanse pokazuje da su dominantne komponente (H1 i H2) bile veće od aditivne (D) i imale važniju ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna u F, generaciji. Komponenta F je pozitivna za ovu osobinu što ukazuje da dominantni geni preovlađuju nad recesivnim. Izračunata vrednost prosečnog stepena dominacije (H1/D)1/2 je veća od jedinice za ovu osobinu i pokazuje da se u nasleđivanju ovih osobina radi o superdominaciji. Odnos dominantih gena prema recesivnim kod roditeljskih genotipova pokazuje da su kod prinosa zrna preovladavali dominantni geni nad recesivnim [Kd/Kr>l) u obe godine. Rezultati Vr/Vr regresione analize ukazuju na superdominaciju u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna. Prisustvo nealelne interakcije ustanovljeno je za ovu osobinu. To ukazuje na potrebu proučavanja efekta epistaze pošto može imati veći značaj kod pojedinih hibrida. Za prinos zrna su dobijene visoke vrednosti heritabilnosti u širem smislu (98.4% (1997) i 97.9% (1998)) i niske vrednosti heritabilnosti u užem smislu (11.9% (1997) i 12.2% (1998)) .sr
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectsilage maizeen
dc.subjectgrain yielden
dc.subjectcomponents of genetic varianceen
dc.subjectregression analysisen
dc.titleComponents of genetic variability and heritability of grain yield of silage maizeen
dc.titleKomponente genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnost prinosa zrna silažnog kukuruzasr
dc.citation.other36(2): 121-131

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