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Odnos prinosa zrna i drugih važnih osobina hibrida kukuruza kokičara (Zea mays L. everta)

dc.creatorPajić, Zorica
dc.creatorSrdić, Jelena
dc.creatorTodorović, Goran
dc.creatorBabić, Milosav
dc.creatorRadosavljević, Milica
dc.description.abstractPopping maize is a specific type of maize differing from other types of maize by its capability to form a large puff or flake after explosive 'pop' that is a response to heating. Besides grain yield, an economically important trait, it is necessary that popping maize hybrids are characterized by a great popping volume and quality and testy flakes as well as other essential production traits. The grain yield of 12 selected popping maize hybrids was observed and the interrelationship among the grain yield, popping volume and the number of kernels per 10 g was established. Obtained results point out to a negative statistically significant correlation (-0,684*) between the grain yield and the popping volume. Furthermore, insignificant negative correlations (-0,135 and -0,399) were established between the grain yield and the number of kernels per 10 g and the popping volume and the number of kernels per 10 g, respectively. The traits observed in the present study are the quantitative ones, that is, their expression is determined by the greater number of genes and by environmental conditions.en
dc.description.abstractKukuruz kokičar je specifični tip kukuruza koji se razlikuje od ostalih tipova kukuruza po tome što formira krupnu 'pahuljicu' ili 'kokicu' posle eksplozije zrna kao odgovor na zagrevanje. Za hibride kukuruza kokičara je pored prinosa, ekonomski važne osobine, neophodno da se odlikuju visokom zapreminom kokičavosti i kvalitetnim i ukusnim 'kokicama', kao i drugim za proizvodnju važnim osobinama. U radu je ispitivan prinos zrna 12 odabranih hibrida kukuruza kokičara i međuzavisnost prinosa zrna i zapremine kokičavosti i broja zrna u 10 grama. Rezultati ukazuju na negativnu korelaciju koja je statistički značajna (-0,684*) između osobina prinos zrna i zapremina kokičavosti. Utvrđena je negativna korelacija koja nije statistički značajna (-0,135) za prinos zrna i broj zrna u 10 grama, kao i za zapreminu kokičavosti i broj zrna u 10 g (-0,399) koja je negativna ali nije statistički značajna. Osobine koje su proučavane u ovom radu su kvantitativne prirode, odnosno njihovo ispoljavanje je determinisano većim brojem gena i pod uticajem su delovanja spoljne sredine.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31037/RS//
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvo
dc.subjectpopping maizeen
dc.subjectpopping volumeen
dc.subjectcorrelation coefficientsen
dc.subjectkukuruz kokičarsr
dc.subjectzapremina kokičavostisr
dc.subjectkoeficijent korelacijesr
dc.titleThe relationship between grain yield and other important traits of popping maize (Zea mays L. everta) hybridsen
dc.titleOdnos prinosa zrna i drugih važnih osobina hibrida kukuruza kokičara (Zea mays L. everta)sr
dc.citation.other18(1): 27-32



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