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Analiza i mapiranje SNP i SSR markera u populaciji kukuruza

dc.creatorŠimić, Domagoj
dc.creatorLedenčan, Tatjana
dc.creatorJambrović, Antun
dc.creatorZdunić, Zvonimir
dc.creatorBrkić, Josip
dc.creatorBrkić, Andrija
dc.creatorMladenović Drinić, Snežana
dc.creatorBrkić, Ivan
dc.description.abstractAlthough highly polymorphic SSRs are currently the marker of choice worldwide in maize breeding, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as a newer marker system are recently used more extensively. The objective of this study was investigate the utility of SSR and SNP markers for mapping of a maize population adapted to conditions of Southeast Europe. Total of 294 F2:3 lines derived from a biparental mapping population were genotyped using 121 polymorphic SNP and SSR markers. The SNP markers were analyzed using the SNPlex technology. 56 of the 142 tested SNPs (39%) were polymorphic between the parents of the mapping population and were successfully mapped. The remaining markers were either not functional (5 = 3.5%) or not polymorphic (81 = 57%). No mapped SNP marker showed more than 10% missing data. On average, the level of missing data for SNPs (1.5%) was considerably lower than that for SSRs (3.4%). For the mapping procedure, the SNP data were combined SSR data. A comparison of the mapping data with the publicly available mapping data on SSR markers and the proprietary mapping data indicates that the map is of good quality and that the map position of almost all markers agrees with their published map position. Thus, information obtained from both marker systems is utilizable for further QTL analysis.en
dc.description.abstractIako su trenutno visoko polimorfni SSR markeri izbora, novi markeri SNP se od nedavno koriste veoma intenzivno u programima oplemenjivanja kukuruza u svetu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje primene SSR i SNP markera za mapiranje populacije kukuruza koje su prilagođene uslovima Jugoistočne Evrope. Ukupno 294 F2:3 linija dobijeno iz biparentalne mapirajuće populacije je analizirano sa 121 polimorfnim SNP i SSR markerom. SNP markeri su analizirani primenom SNPlex tehnologije. Pedeset šest od 142 ispitanih SNP markera (39%) je bilo polimorfno između roditelja mapirajuće populacije i uspešno je mapirano. Preostali markeri su bili ili nefunkcionalni (5=3,5%) ili nisu bili polimorfni (81=57%). Nemapirani SNP markeri su imali više od 10% podataka koji su nedostajali. U proseku, nivo podataka koji su nedostajali za SNP (1,5%) je bio značajno niži nego za SSR (3,4%). Za mapiranje kombinovani su SNP i SSR podaci. Poređenje mapirajućih podataka sa javno dostupnim mapirajućim podacima za SSR i zaštićenim mapirajućim podacima ukazuje da je mapa dobrog kvaliteta i da se pozicije na mapi skoro svih markera slažu sa njihovim prethodno objavljenim pozicijama. Otuda, informacije dobijene primenom oba marker sistema se mogu koristiti za buduće QTL
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectmaize populationen
dc.subjectSNP markersen
dc.subjectSSR makersen
dc.titleSNP and SSR marker analysis and mapping of a maize populationen
dc.titleAnaliza i mapiranje SNP i SSR markera u populaciji kukuruzasr
dc.citation.other41(3): 237-246

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