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Fusariotoxins and aflatoxins in maize kernels

dc.creatorNikolić, Milica
dc.creatorSavić, Iva
dc.creatorObradović, Ana
dc.creatorStanković, Slavica
dc.description.abstractOva studija je sprovedena sa ciljem da se ispita prirodna pojava toksigenih vrsta gljiva i sadržaj fumonizina (FB), ukupnih aflatoksina (AFLA), zearalenona (ZEA) i deoksinivalenola (DON) u zrnu kukuruza, uskladištenom neposredno nakon berbe 2022. godine. Prikupljeni su uzorci zrna kukuruza sa tri lokacije (Zemun Polje, Školsko Dobro i Zagajica) u Srbiji i analizirani na prisustvo mikotoksina. Nakon sušenja i mlevenja, uzorci su homogenizovani sa 25 ml 70% rastvora metanola i destilovanom vodom (3:1), a zatim ekstrahovani. Kvantifikacija ukupnog sadržaja mikotoksina izvršena je metodom imunoapsorpcionih enzima (ELISA) prema uputstvu za upotrebu proizvođača (Tecna S.R.L., Italija, Celer Test Kit). Analizom 100 uzoraka zrna kukuruza utvrđena je velika varijabilnost u koncentraciji ispitivanih mikotoksina. Svi ispitivani uzorci su bili pozitivni na najmanje jedan od ispitivanih mikotoksina (FB, AFLA, ZEA, DON). Fumonizin je detektovan u koncentraciji od 0 do 0,268 ppm, ukupni aflatoksin od 0,423 do 3,925 ppb, zearalenon od 0 do 9,685 ppb, i deoksinivalenol od 0,005 do 3,581 ppm. U svim ispitivanim hibridima, analize mikotoksina su pokazale da su nivoi FB, AFLA, ZEA i DON bili ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih nivoa propisanih zakonodavstvom Evropske unije i Republike Srbije, namenjenom za kukuruz i proizvode od kukuruza. Neophodno je kontinuirano praćenje sadržaja mikotoksina, s obzirom da se isti menja iz godine u godinu.sr
dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted to investigate the natural occurrence of toxigenic fungal species and the levels of fumonisin (FB), zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON), and total aflatoxin (AFLA) in corn kernels stored immediately after harvest in 2022. Samples of maize kernels from two locations (Zemun Polje and Zagajica) in Serbia were collected and analyzed for the presence of mycotoxins. After drying and milling, the samples were homogenized with 25 ml of 70% metanol solution and distilled water (3:1) and then extracted. Quantification of total mycotoxin content was performed using the immunoapsorption enzyme method according to the manufacturer's instructions (Tecna S.R.L., Italy, Celer Test Kit). The analysis of 100 maize kernels samples was determined by a great variability in the concentration of mycotoxins studied. All samples tested were positive for at least one of the mycotoxins tested (fumonisin, aflatoxin, zearalenone or deoxynivalenol). Fumonisin is determined at a concentration of 0 to 0.268 ppm, total aflatoxin at a concentration of 0.423 to 3.925 ppb, zearalenone at a concentration of 0 to 9.685 ppb, while deoxynivalenol is detected at a concentration of 0.005 to 3.581 ppm. In all tested hybrids, mycotoxin analyses showed that the levels of AFLA, DON, ZEA and FBs were below the maximum permissible levels established by the legislation of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia in maize intended for maize and maize products. Continuous monitoring of mycotoxin content is necessary as it changes from year to year.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo genetičara Srbijesr
dc.source10. simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18. oktobar 2023, Zbornik apstraktasr
dc.subjectmaize kernelssr
dc.titleFuzariotoksini i aflatoksini u kukuruzusr
dc.titleFusariotoxins and aflatoxins in maize kernelssr



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