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The application of ecological fertilisers in different maize hybrids

dc.creatorSimić, Milena
dc.creatorDragičević, Vesna
dc.creatorBrankov, Milan
dc.creatorSrdić, Jelena
dc.creatorVancetovic, Jelena
dc.creatorFilipovic, Milomir
dc.description.abstractU okviru razvojnih istraživanja iz oblasti ekološke poljoprivrede poređeni su efekti primene različitih đubriva kako bi se ukazalo na prednosti mikrobioloških i organskih đubriva koja takođe mogu doprineti većem prinosu, ali za razliku od mineralnh đubriva, pozitivnije utiču na zemljište i agroekosistem. Ispitivanja su sprovedena kako bi se utvrdilo u kolikoj meri agronomska biofortifikacija doprinosi povećanju rodnog potencijala specifičnih genotipova kukuruza kao i kako utiče na pojavu i zastupljenost korova. Hibrid kukuruza crvenog perikarpa ZP 5048 crveni, hibrid tvrdunac sa povećanim učešćem proteinskog dela ZP 737 i hibrid belog zrna ZP 552b su gajeni uz primenu mineralnog đubriva Urea, mikrobiološkog đubriva Team Micorriza Plus i organskog đubriva Fertor koja sadrže neophodne elemente za ishranu gajenih biljaka. Na kontrolnoj površini đubrenje nije primenjeno. Rezultati su pokazali da u 2017. godini koja je bila ekstremno sušna, ima značajnih razlika u nivou zakorovljenosti i nešto manjih razlika u prinosu zrna gajenih genotipova zavisno od vrste primenjenog đubriva. Najveća masa korova utvrđena je kod hibrida ZP 737 nakon primene organskog đubriva dok je najmanja masa korova kod svih hibrida zabeležena nakon primene mikrobiološkog đubriva. Đubrenje je uglavnom doprinelo povećanju mase korova u poređenju sa neđubrenom kontrolnom varijantom. Najveći prinos zrna je imao ZP 5048 crveni (5,83 t/ha), a najmanji ZP 737 (3,36 t/ha). Razlike u prosečnom prinosu zrna između tretmana, kao i u poređenju sa kontrolom, su bile neznatne što se može objasniti nepovoljnim meteorološkim uslovima. Primena đubriva u kukuruzu, u toku vegetacije, najčešće nije efikasna u uslovima suše zbog čega će se istraživanja nastaviti.sr
dc.description.abstractThe effects of different fertilisers have been compared within developmental research in the field of ecological agriculture to point up the advantages of microbiological and organic fertilisers, since these fertilisers can contribute to higher yields, but unlike mineral fertilisers, they positively affect the soil and agro-ecosystem. The studies have been carried out to determine to what extent agronomic biofortification contributed to the increase of yielding potential of maize genotypes with specific traits as well as how it affected the occurrence and distribution of weeds. The red-seeded maize hybrid ZP 5048 crveni, high-protein flint maize hybrid ZP 737 and white-seeded maize hybrid ZP 552b were grown in variants with mineral fertiliser Urea, microbiological fertiliser Team Micorriza Plus and organic fertiliser Fertor that contain essential elements necessary for the nutrition of cultivated plants. No fertiliser was applied to the control surface. The obtained results show that there were significant differences in the weed infestation level in extremely dry 2017, while differences in grain yields of cultivated genotypes were somewhat lower, depending on the type of applied fertilisers. The highest weed mass was recorded in the hybrid ZP 737 in the variant with organic fertiliser. On the other hand, the lowest weed mass was recorded in all hybrids when microbiological fertiliser had been applied. The fertilisation mainly contributed to the increase of weed mass in comparison with the non- fertilised control variant. The highest, i.e. Iowest grain yield was recorded in the hybrid ZP 5048 crveni (5.83 t/ha), i.e. the hybrid ZP 737 (3.36 t/ha), respectively. Differences in the average grain yield among treatments, was well as compared to the control, were insignificant, which can be explained unfavourable meteorological conditions. The application of fertilisers in the maize crop during the growing season was not particularly effective under the conditions of drought, which is why the studies will be continued.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo genetičara Srbijesr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.source6. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i 9. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije,Vrnjačka Banja, 07-11.05.2018. - Zbornik apstrakatasr
dc.titlePrimena ekoloških đubriva u različitim hibridima kukuruzasr
dc.titleThe application of ecological fertilisers in different maize hybridssr



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