Приказ резултата 1219-1238 од 1999

      Rasprskivači i adjuvanti: mogućnosti za povećanje efikasnosti herbicida i smanjenje zanošenja [1]
      Rast klijanaca kukuruza kao funkcija slobodne energije i redoks potencijala [1]
      Razlike u nacionalnim i međunarodnim pravilima za ispitivanje semena [2]
      Razumevanje i iskorišćavanje GxE interakcije u oplemenjivanju kukuruza [1]
      Reaction of susceptible maize inbred lines to herbicides [1]
      Reaction of tomato, pepper, sunflower and soybean plants to low doses of nicosulfuron [1]
      Reakcija genotipova kukuruza na uslove gajenja [1]
      Reakcija paradajza, paprike, suncokreta i soje na niske količine nikosulfurona [1]
      Reakcija roditeljskih komponenti ZP hibrida kukuruza na delovanje herbicida [1]
      Recent information on nutritive values of maize silage and its importance in beef cattle feeding [1]
      Recent trends in bioethanol production [1]
      Reciprocal effect on grain yield and yield components in single-cross maize hybrids [1]
      Recipročni efekat na prinos zrna i vlagu zrna u berbi kod dvolinijskih hibrida kukuruza [1]
      Regional distribution of the latest ZP maize hybrids generation by the heat summation method [1]
      Rejonizacija najnovije generacije ZP hibrida kukuruza metodom sume toplotnih jedinica [1]
      Relation between grain yield and grain quality of popcorn hybrids (Zea mays everta Sturt.) [1]
      Relationship between genetic distance, specific combining abilities and heterosis in maize (Zea mays l.) [1]
      Relationship between genetic diversity and cold-tolerance of maize inbred lines [1]
      Relationship between ripening time and sugar content of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernels [1]
      Relationship between structural elements of seeds and physiological traites of maize hybrid seeds [1]