Приказ резултата 861-880 од 1999

      Land use effects on aggregation and erodibility of luvisols on undulating slopes [1]
      Laura - nova sorta soje bez Kunitz-tripsin inhibitora [1]
      Laura: Soybean variety lacking Kunitz trypsin inhibitor [1]
      Leaf total transcriptome analysis enriches insight into maize abiotic stress signaling network [1]
      Leaf transcriptome analysis of Lancaster versus other heterotic groups’ maize inbred lines revealed different regulation of cold‐responsive genes [1]
      Lela [1]
      Lines of corn L-70/9 and B-73 RfC are carrying the gene Rf4 on the same loci [1]
      Linije kukuruza L-70/9 i B-73Rfc nose gen Rf4 na istom lokusu [1]
      Lokalne sorte kukuruza kao izvori poboljšane dostupnosti mineralnih elemenata iz zrna [1]
      Long term effects of different soil tillage systems on maize (Zea mays L.) yields [1]
      Long term effects of the application of ameliorative tillage systems on heavy mechanical composition soils in crop production [1]
      Maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines and hybrids of serbian selection with high efficiency of photosynthesis, rich in pigment content and increased nutritive value [1]
      Maize competitivenes and productivity under different crop densities [1]
      Maize core collection for increased grain quality [1]
      Maize cultivation in continuous cropping supports Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) presence [1]
      Maize gene bank collections as potentially valuable breeding material [1]
      Maize genetic resources in Serbia – management and utilization in breeding [1]
      Maize hybrid with specific properties for industrial processing [1]
      Maize inbreds from different heterotic groups as favorable sources for increased potential bioavailability of magnesium, iron, manganese and zinc [1]
      Maize landraces as a source of adaptation to climatic change [1]