Приказ резултата 104-123 од 1999

      B84 vs. B37 maize hybrid performance [1]
      Barley grain enrichement with essential elements by agronomic biofortification [1]
      Beli luk u organskoj proizvodnji i endoparazitna nematoda ditylenchus dipsaci [1]
      Bioaccumulation process and health risk assessment of toxic elements in tomato fruit grown under Zn nutrition treatment (vol 190, 508, 2018) [1]
      Biochemical and agronomic performance of quality protein maize hybrids adapted to temperate regions [1]
      Biochemical and physical kernel properties of a standard maize hybrid in different TopCross (TM) Blends [1]
      Biochemical characterization of soybean genotypes for grain quality improvement [1]
      Biochemical characterization of ZP soybean genotypes [1]
      Biodiversity and organic agriculture [1]
      Biodiverzitet i organska poljoprivreda [1]
      Biofizička i genetička svojstva prestižnih inbred linija i hibrida kukuruza sa uspravnim položajem vršnih listova [1]
      Biofortification as a way of nutrient dense feed production [1]
      Biofortification – important part of agricultural practice [1]
      Biofortifikacija – važan deo poljoprivredne proizvodnje [1]
      Biofortifikacija, kao način proizvodnje nutritivno bogate hrane za domaće životinje [1]
      Biohemijska analiza F2 zrna genotipova kukuruza visokog kvaliteta proteina [1]
      Biohemijska karakterizacija ZP sorti soje [1]
      Bioinformatics prediction of mitochondrial and chloroplast transcripts possibly involved in maize abiotic stress signaling [1]
      Biological production of thorn apple (Datura stramonium L.), Jimson weed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) and black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) under conditions of the herbicides application in maize crops [1]
      Biološka fiksacija azota imperativ u sistemu održivosti [1]