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The effect of different type of cytoplasm on seed fractions in maize inbred lines

dc.creatorJovanović V., Snežana
dc.creatorTodorović, Goran
dc.creatorKresović, Branka
dc.creatorSečanski, Mile
dc.creatorŠtrbanović, Ratibor
dc.creatorStanisavljević, Rade
dc.creatorMeglič, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractU proizvodnji hibridnog semena kukuruza najvažniji zadatak je proizvodnja kvalitetnog semenskog materijala, kao visina i stabilnost prinosa. Visina prinosa zavisi od genetiĉkog potencijala za prinos, dok stabilnost prinosa zavisi od sposobnosti reagovanja hibrida na uslove sredine. Stabilnost u postizanju oĉekivanog prinosa jedna je od najpoželjnijih osobina da bi genotip bio preporuĉen kao hibrid za široko gajenje. U ovim istraživanjima se polazi od pretpostavke da se prouĉavani hibrid kukuruza, razliĉit procenat uĉešća fertilnih biljaka razliĉito ponašaju na promene faktora spoljašnje sredine, ĉime ispoljavaju i razliĉitu stabilnost prinosa. Na osnovu te pretpostavke, oĉekuje se izdvajanje razliĉitih nivoa fertilnih biljaka ĉiji prinos najmanje varira pod uticajem promena spoljašnje sredine. Cilj rada bio je da se izvrši procena stabilnosti prinosa zrna po Eberhart-u i Russell-u (1966). Parametri stabilnosti (koeficijent - bi i standardna greška regresije - S2di) su pokazali koji odnos sterilne i fertilne varijante hibrida je ostvario najveću stabilnost, odnosno koji su najbolje reagovali na povoljne, tj. nepovoljne uslove spoljne sredine. Kod najstabilnijeg hibrida utvrđeno je uĉešće od 25% fertilnih biljaka (bi - 1,000), dok je kod hibrida sa 60% uĉešća fertilnosti bolje reagovao na povoljne uslove gajenja (bi - 1,326), a genotip koji je bolje reagovao na lošije uslove spoljne sredine imao je 10% uĉešća fertilnih biljaka (bi - 0,791).sr
dc.description.abstractIn the production of hybrid maize seed, the most important task is to produce high-quality seed material and to provide high and stable yields. Yield depends on genetic potential of yielding, while stability depends on ability of hybrids to respond to environmental conditions. Stability in achieving expected yield is one of the most favourable traits for a genotype to be recommended as a hybrid for wide cultivation. The starting point in these studies was that observed maize hybrid and different percentage of share of fertile plants would differently respond to changes in the environmental factors, whereby yield stability would differ. Based on this assumption, the distinguishable levels of fettilie plants whose yields vary the least under envoronmental conditions were expected. The aim was to estimate grain yield stability after Eberhart and Russell (1966). The stability parameters (coefficient - bi and standard error of regression - S2di) point out to which ratio of sterile to fertile variant of the hybrid had the highest stability, i.e. which variants responded best to favourable, i.e. unfavourable environmental conditions. The share of fertile plants in the most stable hybrid was 25% (bi - 1.000) while a hybrid with 60% fertility responded better to favourable growing conditions (bi - 1.326). A genotype that responded better to unfavourable environmental conditions had 10% of fertile plants (bi - 0.791).sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo genetičara Srbijesr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.source6. simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetiĉara Srbije i 9. simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, Vrnjaĉka Banja, 7–11.5.2018. - Zbornik apstrakatasr
dc.subjectcitoplazmatična muška sterilnostsr
dc.subjectcytoplasmic male sterilitysr
dc.titleProcena stabilnosti prinosa hibrida zpsc 434 sa različitim procentom učešća fertilnih i sterilnih biljakasr
dc.titleThe effect of different type of cytoplasm on seed fractions in maize inbred linessr
dc.citation.volume213 - 214

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