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Ocena kvaliteta semena različitih partija kupusa tokom starenja

dc.creatorPoštić, Dobrivoj
dc.creatorŠtrbanović, Ratibor
dc.creatorBroćić, Zoran
dc.creatorTabaković, Marijenka
dc.creatorĐurić, Nenad
dc.creatorPavlović, Nenad
dc.creatorStanisavljević, Rade
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research was to evaluate the influence of the year and the seed lots on the most important indicators of cabbage seed quality. Quality testing of nine different seed lots of Potomac F1 cabbage was performed during three years (2019, 2020 and 2021). Analyses of variance showed a significant effect (p<0.01) of the year (Y), while seed lot (L) and their interaction (Y × L) showed a significant effect (p<0.05) on all observed parameters quality (germination energy, total germination, abnormal seedlings and dead seeds). The strongest correlation between the examined parameters was in the first year and weakened in the second and third years. In the first year as expected, significant positive correlation between germination energy and total germination was found (r = 0.84779, p<0.01). The highly and negative interdependence was achieved between total germination and dead seeds (r = - 0.94363, p<0.001) and abnormal seedlings (r = -0.78019, p<0.05). Also negative interdependence was found between germination energy and dead seeds (r = -0.80000, p<0.01) and abnormal seedlings (r = -0.66144, p<0.05). The germination energy and the total germination of the cabbage seeds considered were found to decrease with the increasing seed age, in contrast to the numbers of their abnormal seedlings and dead seeds which continued to increase with seed aging. The obtained results indicate that the germination of highly hybrid conventional cabbage seeds decreases significantly during aging, as a direct consequence of a very significant increase in the number of abnormal
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja je bio da se izvrši ocena uticaja godine i partije semena na najznačajnije pokazatelje kvaliteta semena kupusa. Ispitivanje kvaliteta semena devet različitih partija kupusa Potomak F1, izvedena su tokom tri godine (2019, 2020 i 2021). Analiza energije klijanja, ukupne klijavosti, nenormalnih klijanaca i mrtvog semena kupusa pokazala je visoko značajne razlike (р<0,01) pod uticajem faktora godina (Y), dok je uticaj partija semena (L) i interakcija (Y × L) na ispitivane pokazatelje bio na nivou (р<0,05). Najjače korelacije između ispitivanih parametara kvaliteta semena zabeležene su u prvoj godini i slabile su drugoj i trećoj godini. U prvoj godini zabeležena je značajna korelacija (r = 0,84779, p<0,01) između energije klijanja i ukupne klijavosti, odnosno u drugoj godini (r = 0,75057, p≤0,05), dok je u trećoj godini izostala. Visoka negativna međuzavisnost dobijena je između ukupne klijavosti i mrtvog semena (r = -0,94363, p<0,001) i nenormalnih klijanaca (r = -0,78019, p<0,05). Takođe, negativna korelacija utvrđena je između energije klijanja i mrtvog semena (r = -0,80000, p<0,01) i nenormalnih klijanaca (r = -0,66144, p<0,05). Zabeleženo je da se energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost ispitivanog semena kupusa smanjuju sa povećanjem starosti semena, za razliku od broja nenormalnih klijanaca i mrtvog semena, koji rastu sa starenjem semena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo konstatovati da se ukupna klijavost visoko hibridnog konvencionalnog semena kupusa veoma zanačajno smanjuje tokom starenja, kao direktna posledica veoma značajnog povećanja broja nenormalnih
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Nacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku u poljoprivredisr
dc.sourceJournal on Processing and Energy in Agriculturesr
dc.subjectseed lotssr
dc.subjectabnormal seedlingssr
dc.subjectpartija semenasr
dc.subjectnenormalni klijancisr
dc.titleAssesment of seed quality of different cabbage lots during agingsr
dc.titleOcena kvaliteta semena različitih partija kupusa tokom starenjasr

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