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Poređenje osobina hibrida kukuruza stvorenih na bazi linija B84 odnosno B37

dc.creatorHusić, Ivan
dc.creatorTrifunović, Slobodan
dc.creatorRošulj, Milorad
dc.creatorFilipović, Milomir
dc.description.abstractEfficiency of the half-sib recurrent selection (HSRS) method applied to the Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS) can be evaluated indirectly through the performance of hybrid combinations with inbreeds developed from different cycles of selection of the mentioned population. Efficiency was estimated by comparison of the performance of hybrids derived by crossing inbreeds B84 (BSSSC7) and B37 (BSSSC0) to 20 unrelated inbred lines. The results obtained indicated that hybrids with inbred B84, on the average, overyielded hybrids with inbred B37 by 11.30%. In relation to the success of recurrent selection this increase amounts to 1.61% per cycle of selection. Although moisture determined in hybrids as an indicator of maturity was greater in hybrids with inbred B84 (0.90%*on average), the value of performance indices was 6.98% higher in the hybrids with inbred B84 snowing that higher grain yield was not just a result of later maturity. Estimates of the coefficient (bxi) in the linear regression equation were similar for both series of hybrids. The value of the rank correlation coefficient for grain yield (0.759**) indicates the existence of similar differences between hybrid rank in both series. All the above mentioned points to B84 as an inbred line with better general or specific combining abilities than inbred line B37 indicating the effectiveness of HSRS applied to BSSS.en
dc.description.abstractEfikasnost primenjene Half-Sib Recurrent Selection (HSRS) metode selekcije na Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic-u (BSSS) moguće je proceniti indirektnim putem preko performansi hibridnih kombinacija sa linijama dobijenim iz različitih ciklusa selekcije pomenute populacije. Procena efikasnosti je izvršena na bazi poređenja performansi hibrida dobijenih na bazi ukrštanja linija B84(BSSSC7) i B37(BSSSC0) sa dvadeset nesrodnih linija. Rezultati ukazuju da su hibridi sa linijom B84 dali u proseku za 11.30% veći prinos zrna u odnosu na iste hibride sa linijom B37. Posmatrano sa stanovišta uspeha rekurentne selekcije ovo povećanje iznosi 1,61% po ciklusu selekcije. Iako je determinisana vlaga u hibridima kao pokazatelj dužine vegetacije bila veća u hibridima sa B84 (u proseku za 0.90%*) da veći prinos zrna nije rezultat samo relativno duže vegetacije ukazuju vrednosti za Performans indeks koje su za 6,98% bile veće također kod hibrida sa B84. Vrednosti koeficijenata (bxi) u jednačini linearne regresije bile su slične za obe serije hibrida. Koeficijent korelacije ranga za prinos zrna (0,759**) potvrđuje da postoje slične razlike između ranga hibrida u obe serije. Sve prethodno pomenuto ukazuje da linija B84 ima bolju opštu kao i specifičnu kombinacionu sposobnost za prinos zrna u odnosu na liniju B37 ukazujući na efikasnost primenjene HSRS na BSSS populaciji kukuruza.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectsynthetic populationen
dc.subjectrecurrent selectionen
dc.subjectinbred lineen
dc.subjectgrain yielden
dc.titleB84 vs. B37 maize hybrid performanceen
dc.titlePoređenje osobina hibrida kukuruza stvorenih na bazi linija B84 odnosno B37sr
dc.citation.other32(1): 53-61



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