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ISTA proficiency test 17-2 germination results of white clover seed

dc.creatorMilivojević, Marija
dc.creatorKojić, Jasna
dc.creatorVukadinović, Radmila
dc.creatorStanisavljević, Rade
dc.creatorPoštić, Dobrivoj
dc.creatorPetrović, Tanja
dc.description.abstractPojava tvrdog semena kao posledica nepropustljivosti semenjače za vodu je izražena kod vrsta iz familije Fabaceae. Kod divljih biljaka ova osobina je biološki opravdana jer omoguća-va bolji opstanak, ali za poljoprivredu tvrda semena su nepoželjna jer klijaju sa zakašnjenjem i neravnomerno. Prilikom ispitivanja klijavosti semena ovih vrsta u laboratoriji može se primeniti predtretman (prethodno hlađenje, mehanička skarifikacija) pre naklijavanja u optimalnim uslovi-ma. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja klijavosti semena Trifolium repens sprovedena u 150 laboratorija širom sveta u okviru Proficiency testa 17-2. Ovi testovi su organizovani od strane Međunarodne organizacije za ispitivanje semena (ISTA), a obavezni su za sve akredi-tovane laboratorije, jer se na taj način kontroliše kompetentnost osoblja, ispravnost aparata i pou-zdanost primenjenih metoda ispitivanja. U avgustu 2017. godine distribuirani su uzorci tri partije semena Trifolium repens. U Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena u Institutu za kukuruz Zemun Polje (LIZP), ispitana je klijavost u septembru primenom mehaničke skarifikacije i prethodnog hlađenja (2 dana na 5-10°C), a zatim klijanje na 20°C. Od 90 akreditovanih laboratorija samo je još jedna primenila mehaničku skarifikaciju, 42 laboratorije nisu primenile nikakav predtretman, a 39 laboratorija je primenilo prethodno hlađenje. Dobijeni rezultati klijavosti u LIZP (Lot1-84.50%, Lot2-84%, Lot3-88.50%) su bili iznad proseka svih laboratorija (Lot1-76.95%, Lot2-79.63%, Lot3-83.27%). Kao glavni zaključak ovog Proficiency testa jeste da je skarifikacija se-mena značajno smanjila broj tvrdih semena u korist normalnih klijanaca. Razlog retke primene skarifikacije može biti potreba korisnika da dobije adekvatnu informaciju vezanu za broj tvrdih semena koja će se pojaviti prilikom setve semena.sr
dc.description.abstractThe presence of hard seeds as a result of water impermeable seed coat is common in species of Fabaceae family. For wild plants, this characteristic allows better survival, but for agriculture production, hard seeds are undesirable, due to delayed and uneven germination. In seed testing laboratory several pre-treatments (pre-chill, mechanical scarification) can be applied for germination testing of these species. In this paper, Proficiency test 17-2 germination results of Trifolium repens seeds conducted in 150 laboratories around the world are presented. Those tests are organized by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and are mandatory for all accredited laboratories. In this way laboratory’s competence (staff, apparatus, test methods) is checked. In August 2017, samples of three Trifolium repens seed lots were distributed. In the Seed Testing Laboratory at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje (LIZP), germination was tested in September using mechanical scarification and pre-chilling (2 days at 5-10°C) prior to germination at 20°C. Among 90 accredited participants, only one more laboratory applied mechanical scarification, 42 laboratories did not use any pre-treatment, and 39 laboratories applied pre-chilling. Obtained germination results in LIZP (Lot1-84.50%, Lot2-84%, Lot3-88.50%) were higher than overall mean (Lot1-76.95%, Lot2-79.63%, and Lot3-83.27%). The main conclusion of this Proficiency test is that seed scarification significantly reduced the number of hard seeds in favour of normal seedlings. The reason for the rare application of scarification may be the requirement of the applicant to obtain adequate information regarding the number of hard seeds that will appear during seed sowing.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvosr
dc.subjectTrifolium repenssr
dc.subjecttvrdo semesr
dc.subjectTrifolium repenssr
dc.subjecthard seedssr
dc.titleRezultati klijavosti semena bele deteline u ISTA proficiency testu 17-2sr
dc.titleISTA proficiency test 17-2 germination results of white clover seeden
dc.rights.holderCC BY-SAsr



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