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Uticaj agroekoloških faktora i hibridne kombinacije na osobine semena hibrida kukuruza

dc.creatorPavlov, Milovan
dc.creatorCrevar, Miloš
dc.description.abstractThe present study encompasses the analysis of effects of agroecological conditions (year, location) and hybrid combinations on seed size, relationships between fractions (in %, small vs. large), and germination. The following four hybrids were used in the study: ZP 704, ZP 434, ZP 684, and ZP 666. The analysis covers three years (2010, 2011 and 2013), while 2012 was omitted due to poor production conditions. Furthermore, meteorological factors were also analysed and this analysis shows that years differed in the amount and distribution of precipitation. According to obtained results, the hybrid combination had a crucial effect on observed traits, but effects of agroecological factors over years and locations were also important. The most desirable relationship between small and large seed fractions was detected in the hybrid ZP 704 (88.3% vs. 11.7%). In hybrids ZP 434, ZP 666 and ZP 684, seed quality, i.e. germination was higher in the large fractions, while a quite opposite situation was recorded in the hybrid ZP 704 - small seed fractions had higher germination. Such studies should be continued, because new hybrids are constantly introduced into the production.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je obavljena analiza uticaja agroekoloških uslova (godina, lokacija) i hibridne kombinacije na krupnoću semena, procentualni odnos frakcija (sitne, krupne) i klijavost. Za analizu su uzete četiri hibridne kombinacije i to: hibrid ZP 704, ZP 434, ZP 684 i ZP 666. Analiza obuhvata 3 godine (2010, 2011 i 2013. god.). Godina 2012. je izostavljena zbog izuzetno loših uslova za proizvodnju semenskog kukuruza. Urađena je analiza meteoroloških faktora za navedeni period i može se zaključiti da su se godine vrlo mnogo razlikovale po visini i rasporedu padavina. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da presudan uticaj na posmatrane osobine ima hibridna kombinacija, a da je zapažen i uticaj agroekoloških faktora kroz godine i lokacije. Zaključeno je da najpoželjniji odnos sitnih i krupnih frakcija ima hibrid ZP 704, kod koga je zastupljenost sitnih frakcija 88,3%, dok je krupnih bilo 11,7%. Što se kvaliteta semena tiče kod ZP 434, ZP 666 i ZP 684 krupne frakcije su imale bolju, tj. veću klijavost. Kod hibrida ZP 704 je zabeležena obrnuta situacija - sitne frakcije su imale veću klijavost.Ovakva istraživanja treba nastaviti zbog toga što se u proizvodnju stalno uvode novi hibridi.sr
dc.publisherNacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad
dc.sourceJournal on Processing and Energy in Agricultureen
dc.subjectseed maizeen
dc.subjectseed productionen
dc.subjectproduction yearen
dc.subjectseed fractionen
dc.subjectsemenski kukuruzsr
dc.subjectproizvodnja semenasr
dc.subjectgodina proizodnjesr
dc.subjectfrakcija semenasr
dc.titleEffects of agroecological factors and hybrid combinations on seed traits of maize hybridsen
dc.titleUticaj agroekoloških faktora i hibridne kombinacije na osobine semena hibrida kukuruzasr
dc.citation.other18(1): 11-13



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