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Sadržaj rastvorljivih slobodnih fenolnih komponenata i antioksidativni kapaciteta zrna genotipova hlebne i durum pšenice

dc.creatorŽilić, Slađana
dc.creatorHadži-Tašković-Šukalović, Vesna
dc.creatorDodig, Dejan
dc.creatorMaksimović, Vuk
dc.creatorKandić, Vesna
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to determine phenolic compounds and the total antioxidant capacity in the grain of ten bread (T. aestivum L.) and ten durum (T. durum Desf.) wheat genotypes. Soluble free forms of total phenolics, flavonoids, PVPP (polyvinylpolypyrrolidone) bound phenolics, proanthocyanidins and phenolic acids were investigated. In addition, the correlation coefficients between total antioxidant capacities and the concentration of different soluble free phenolic compounds, as well as between soluble free total phenolics and phenolic acids, flavonoids and PVPP bound phenolics were determined. Significant differences in the content of aceton/water extractable total phenolics, PVPP bound phenolics and phenolic acids between and within two wheat species were found. On the average, durum wheat samples had about 1.19-fold higher total phenolic compounds and about 1.5-fold higher PVPP bound phenolics than bread wheat samples. Three phenolic acids, ferulic, caffeic and chlorogenic, were detected in wholemeal bread wheat. Caffeic acid was not found in durum wheat samples whilst ferulic acid was the most abundant. Proanthocyanidins in bread and durum wheat genotypes were not detected. The antioxidant capacity measured as the DPPH radical scavenging activity was similar in wholemeal of bread and durum wheat, however, significant differences were observed among genotypes within species.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se odredi sadržaj fenolnih komponenata i ukupni antioksidativni kapacitet zrna 10 genotipova hlebne (T. aestivum L.) i 10 genotipova durum (T. durum Desf.) pšenice. Rastvorljive slobodne forme ukupnih fenola, flavonoida, PVPP (polyvinylpolypyrrolidone) vezanih fenola, proantocijanidina i fenolnih kiselina bile su analizirane. Pored toga, korelacioni koeficijent između ukupnog antioksidativnog kapaciteta i koncentracije različitih slobodnih fenolnih komponenata, kao i između rastvorljivih slobodnih ukupnih fenola i fenolnih kiselina, flavonoida i PVPP vezanih fenola bio je određen. Značajne razlike nađene su u sadržaju aceton/voda ekstraktibilnih ukupnih fenola, PVPP vezanih fenola i fenolnih kiselina kako između dve vrste pšenice (durum i hlebne), tako i unutar vrste, odnosno između ispitivanih genotipova iste vrste. U proseku, durum pšenica imala je oko 1.2 puta više ukupnih fenola i oko 1.5 puta više PVPP vezanih fenola nego hlebna pšenica. Tri fenolne kiseline, ferulinska, kafeinska i hlorogena, bile su detektovane u etanolskom ekstraktu celog zrna hlebne pšenice. Kafeinska kiselina nije nađena u genotipovima durum pšenice, dok je ferulinska kiselina bila najzastupljenija u genotipovima obe vrste pšenice. Prisustvo proantocijanidina nije utvrđeno u genotipovima hlebne i durum pšenice. Antioksidativni kapacitet meren kao DPPH radikal vezujuća aktivnost bio je sličan između hlebne i durum vrste pšenice, ali su značajne razlike bile utvrđene između genotipova unutar
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31069/RS//
dc.subjectbread and durum wheaten
dc.subjectphenolic compoundsen
dc.subjectantioxidant capacityen
dc.titleSoluble free phenolic compound contents and antioxidant capacity of bread and durum wheat genotypesen
dc.titleSadržaj rastvorljivih slobodnih fenolnih komponenata i antioksidativni kapaciteta zrna genotipova hlebne i durum pšenicesr
dc.citation.other45(1): 87-100

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