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Određivanje tehnološke i upotrebne vrednosti ZP hibrida kukuruza i sorti soje

dc.creatorMilašinović, Marija
dc.creatorRadosavljević, Milica
dc.creatorBožović, Irina
dc.creatorŽilić, Slađana
dc.description.abstractThe evaluation of technological values of maize and soya bean grain is of a significant importance in grain trade, i.e. purchase and sale, then in processing and especially in studies performed with the aim to improve its utilisation. Physical and chemical properties are a principal criterion for technological quality of maize and soya bean grain. According to the evaluations of leading international experts within a field of seed quality technological values and processing, the value of maize and soya bean can be increased by conforming properties to requirements. Physical and chemical properties of 12 ZP maize hybrids (test weight, 1000-kernel weight, kernel density, floatation index, milling response, portion of hard and soft endosperm fractions, water adsorption index, content of pericarp, content of germ, content of endosperm, as well as contents of starch, oil, protein and crude fibre) were observed in the present study. In addition to a standard chemical content, the activity of trypsin inhibitor, urease and isoenzyme lipoxygenase was also analysed in six different genotypes of soya bean. Grain physical and chemical properties of studied maize hybrids varied significantly. Such differences present a good basis and assumption for wide growth of maize hybrids. These and previous long-term results obtained by the analyses of these properties point out that the highest number of observed grain properties varied in dependence on genetic basis, i.e. on hybrid types, growing and environmental conditions. The analysed soya bean genotypes are characterised by a high nutritive value, while a decreased trypsin inhibitor content in the cultivar ZP L91-44042 (14.85mg g-1) provides the possibility to apply a lower temperature treatment in soya bean grain processing, and thereby maintenance of the essential nutritive constituents.en
dc.description.abstractOsnovni kriterijum tehnološkog kvaliteta zrna kukuruza i soje su fizička i hemijska svojstva. Prema procenama vodećih svetskih eksperata u oblasti kvaliteta zrna, tehnološke vrednosti i prerade, usaglašavanjem svojstava sa zahtevima upotrebe moguće je povećati vrednost kukuruza i soje. U ovom radu ispitivan je hemijski sastav i fizičke karakteristike zrna 12 ZP genotipova kukuruza (zapreminska masa, masa 1000 zrna, gustina, indeks flotacije otpornost na mlevenje, odnos tvrde i meke frakcije endosperma, indeks adsorpcije vode, sadržaj perikarpa, sadržaj klice i sadržaj endosperma, kao i sadržaj skroba, ulja, proteina, celuloze, pepela). Pored toga, određivan je standardni hemijski sastav, sadržaj iskoristljivog lizina, sadržaj tripsin inhibitora, aktivnost ureaze i izoenzima lipoksigenaze kod četiri ZP i dva USA genotipa soje. Hemijske i fizičke karakteristike zrna ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza kretale su se u širokom opsegu. Ovakve razlike u ispitivanim karakteristikama su dobra osnova i pretpostavka za široku primenu hibrida kukuruza. Analizirani genotipovi soje odlikuju se visokom nutritivnom vrednošću, a genotip ZP L91-44042 i smanjenim sadržajem tripsin inhibitora (14,85 mg/g) što omogućava primenu niže temperature pri preradi sojinog zrna, a time i očuvanje bitnih nutritivnih konstituenata.sr
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjecttehnološka vrednostsr
dc.titleThe evaluation of technological and utility value of ZP maize hybrids and soya bean cultivarsen
dc.titleOdređivanje tehnološke i upotrebne vrednosti ZP hibrida kukuruza i sorti sojesr
dc.citation.other64(1-2): 147-156



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