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Antagonističko dejstvo saprofitne bakterije serratia liquefaciens prema fitopatogenim gljivama kukuruza i potencijalni biohemijski i molekularni mehanizmi njenog dejstva

dc.creatorGošić-Dondo, Snežana
dc.creatorMladenović Drinić, Snežana
dc.creatorStojkov, Slavica
dc.description.abstractThe objective of our study was to investigate effect of saprophytic bacterium Serratia liquefaciens derived from sunflower on maize phytopathogenic fungi in vitro and in vivo conditions, as well as, potential biochemical and molecular mechanisms. Obtained results indicate that production of an antibiotic is not a biochemical background of the antagonistic effect. Concurrence advantage of the saprophytic bacterial isolate S. liquefaciens isolated from sunflower, over the parasitic fungus Ph. ambiguum when limited quantities of carbon compounds were used in the joint culture, caused antagonistic effect between these two groups of microorganisms. The de novo synthesis new polypeptides of different molecular weight occurred in interactions with phytopathogenic fungi. The successful activities of isolates of the saprophytic bacterium under in vivo conditions were observed and manifested as lack of disease symptoms (root and stalk rots), and stimulatory effects on the rowth of both, roots and above-ground plant parts. The bacterial isolate S. liquefaciens showed the greatest inhibition rate of colonies growth of fungus Ph. ambiguum under in vivo conditions.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivan je antagonistički efekat saprofitne bakterije Serratia liquefaciens, poreklom iz rizosfere suncokreta na fitopatogene gljive kukuruza u in vitro i in vivo uslovima, kao i potencijalni mehanizmi dejstva na biohemijskom i molekularnom nivou. Uočeno je da bakterijska vrsta S. liquefaciens ne poseduje sposobnost sinteze antibiotika. Antagonistički efekat koji je ova vrsta ispoljila prema Ph.ambiguum pri gajenju na hranljivoj podlozi sa različitim koncentracijama glukoze rezultat je postojanja kompeticijskog odnosa. U interakciji sa fitopatogenim gljivama došlo je do de novo sinteze proteinskih frakcija različitih molekulskih težina. Uspešno delovanje ovog bakterijskog izolata na razvoj fitopatogene gljive Ph. ambiguum ustanovljeno je i u in vivo uslovima, koje se ispoljavalo izostankom simptoma bolesti (truleži korena i stabla) i stimulativnom dejstvu na porast korena kao i nadzemnih delova
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectbiološka borbasr
dc.subjectfitopatogene gljive kukuruzasr
dc.subjectserratia liquefacienssr
dc.titleAntagonistic effects of the saprophytic bacterium Serratia liquefaciens on maize phytopathogenic fungi and its potential biochemical and molecular mechanismen
dc.titleAntagonističko dejstvo saprofitne bakterije serratia liquefaciens prema fitopatogenim gljivama kukuruza i potencijalni biohemijski i molekularni mehanizmi njenog dejstvasr
dc.rights.licenseAttribution 4.0 International
dc.citation.other64(1-2): 45-50

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