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Antinutritivni činioci nekih zrnenih mahunarki

dc.creatorMikić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorPerić, Vesna
dc.creatorĐorđević, Vuk
dc.creatorSrebrić, Mirjana
dc.creatorMihailović, Vojislav
dc.description.abstractGrain legumes, such as soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), lupins (Lupinus spp.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), represent one of the most quality and least expensive solutions for a long-term demand for plant protein in animal husbandry. One of the limitations to an increased use of grain legumes as feed is the presence of diverse compounds in their grain, commonly referred to as anti-nutritional factors, that both decrease nutritive value of grain legumes and, if taken in larger amounts, cause health problems that may be fatal for both human and the animals. By this reason, breeding programmes of all grain legumes is aimed at decreasing the content of anti-nutritional factors to a safe extent. Breeding of soybean cultivars for reduced amount of antinutritive factors resulted in the development of Kunitz-free soybean cultivars, which are suitable for thermal processing at lower temperatures and during a shorter period of time. This is the way of saving energy and preserving valuable nutritional composition of soybean grain. As for other species, the most significant progress has been made in protein pea, where all modern cultivars have either low or very low content of various antinutritional factors. Among the improvements are also 'zero-tannin' cultivars in faba bean, with a wide utilization in both animal feeding and bread industry, lowtoxin common vetch cultivars, 'sweet' cultivars in lupins and low-ODAP cultivars in grass pea.en
dc.description.abstractZrnene mahunarke, poput soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), graška (Pisum sativum L.), boba (Vicia faba L.), lupina (Lupinus spp.), obične grahorice (Vicia sativa L.) i sastrice (Lathyrus sativus L.) predstavljaju jedno od najkvalitetnijih i najjevtinijih rešenja za dugoročni nedostatak biljnih proteina u stočarstvu. Jedno od ograničenja povećanju korišćenja zrnenih mahunarki u ishrani domaćih životinja jeste prisustvo različitih sastojaka u zrnu, tzv. antinutritivnih činilaca, koji umanjuju njihovu hranljivu vrednost i, u slučaju da se unesu u većoj količini, mogu da dovedu do teških posledica po ljude i životinje. Iz tog razloga, oplemenjivanje svih zrnenih mahunarki usmereno je i ka snižavanju sadržaja antinutritivnih činilaca na bezopasan nivo. Oplemenjivanje soje na smanjeni sadržaj antinutritivnih činilaca dovelo je do stvaranja Kunitz-free sorti soje, pogodnih za termičku obradu na nižim temperaturama i kraćeg trajanja, što je način uštede energije i očuvanja vrednih hranljivih sastojaka sojinog zrna. Što se tiče drugih zrnenih mahunarki, najveći napredak ostvaren je kod proteinskog graška, kod kojeg sve savremene sorte imaju nizak ili vrlo nizak sadržaj antinutritivnih činilaca. Među dostignućima su i zero-tannin sorte boba, sa širokom upotrebom u stočarstvu i industriji hleba, sorte obične grahorice sa niskim sadržajem toksina, tzv. slatke sorte lupina i sorte sastrice sa niskim sadržajem
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectanti-nutritional factorsen
dc.subjectfeed legumesen
dc.titleAnti-nutritional factors in some grain legumesen
dc.titleAntinutritivni činioci nekih zrnenih mahunarkisr
dc.citation.other25(5-6-2): 1181-1188



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