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Grupe zrenja i potencijal rodnosti ZP hibrida kukuruza

dc.creatorRadojčić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorFilipović, Milomir
dc.creatorVančetović, Jelena
dc.creatorBranković-Radojčić, Dragana V.
dc.creatorPavlov, Jovan
dc.description.abstractMaize is one of the most important agricultural crops in the world, and also in our country. In Serbia, in last two decades maize is grown on the area from 1.2 to 1.3 million hectares, with the average production of 5.7 million tones per year. It is the fact that there are favorable natural conditions for its production in our country, but the grain yield fluctuates depending on rainfall quantities and especially rainfall disposition during the vegetation period. The purpose of this work is to establish the grain yield potential of ZP maize hybrids from FAO 400-700 maturing groups. Data from STRIP trails of six ZP maize hybrids (ZP 434, ZP 578, ZP 677, ZP 680, ZP 684 and ZP 704), from 16 locations during 3 years, are used in this work. Grain yield and grain moisture content were measured in six tested genotypes and analyze of variance was done with ANOVA statistical software. Results of this investigation showed that the hybrid ZP 434 had an average grain yield of 8.528 t·ha-1, which is not statistically significantly different from the grain yield of the hybrid ZP 684 which yielded 8.626 t·ha-1. At the same time, hybrid ZP 434 had the statistically significantly higher grain yield than the hybrids from FAO 700 maturing group. According to the presented results of lasting several years averages on several locations, we can conclude that the hybrids from FAO 400 maturing group have a grain yield potential at the same level as the hybrids from FAO 600-700 maturing group.en
dc.description.abstractKukuruz je jedan od najznačajnijih ratarskih useva ne samo u svetu već i u našoj zemlji. U Srbiji se kukuruz u poslednje dve decenije gaji na površinama od 1.2 do 1.3 miliona hektara, uz ostvarenu prosečnu proizvodnju od 5.7 miliona tona godišnje. Poznato je da kod nas postoje povoljni prirodni uslovi za njegovu proizvodnju, ali i to da su po godinama velika kolebanja prinosa zbog velike varijabilnosti u količini, a posebno u rasporedu padavina u toku vegetacije. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi potencijal rodnosti ZP hibrida kukuruza, FAO grupa zrenja 400-700. U radu su korišćeni podaci proizvodnih STRIP ogleda šest ZP hibrida kukuruza (ZP 434, ZP 578, ZP 677, ZP 680, ZP 684 i ZP 704) sa 16 lokaliteta u toku tri godine. Praćen je prinos zrna i sadržaj vlage u zrnu šest ispitivanih genotipova, a analiza varijanse urađena je pomoću statističkog programa ANOVA. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je hibrid ZP 434 ostvario prosečan prinos zrna od 8.528 t·ha-1 koji se nije statistički značajno razlikovao od prinosa zrna hibrida ZP 684 od 8.626 t·ha-1. U isto vreme hibrid ZP 434 imao je statistički značajno viši prinos nego hibridi FAO grupe zrenja 700. Na osnovu iznetih rezultata višegodišnjeg proseka na više lokacija može se zaključiti da hibridi FAO grupe zrenja 400 imaju potencijal rodnosti na nivou hibrida FAO grupe zrenja 600-700.sr
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectFAO maturing groupsen
dc.subjectZP hybridsen
dc.subjectFAO grupe zrenjasr
dc.subjectZP hibridisr
dc.titleMaturing groups and grain yield potential of ZP maize hybridsen
dc.titleGrupe zrenja i potencijal rodnosti ZP hibrida kukuruzasr
dc.citation.other14(1-2): 43-47



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