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Odnos rodnosti i zapremine kokičavosti hibrida kukuruza kokičara (Zea mays L. everta)

dc.creatorPajić, Zorica
dc.creatorSrdić, Jelena
dc.creatorFilipović, Milomir
dc.description.abstractBeside the yield, as an economically important trait, the popping volume that breeders have been improving is equally important. At the same time, it is the main trait distinguishing popping maize from other types of maize. In order to provide a successful breeding and selection of popping maize, specific procedures are necessary for the evaluation of the traits selection is performed for (e.g. determination of the degree of popping and flake quality). Breeding of popping maize for improved yield is not a primary aim of breeding. If popping maize hybrids do not have a high popping volume and high quality of flakes, they will not be used in the production no matter how high yielding they are. The yield, the popping volume and the relation of these two equally important traits, were estimated in the trial with popping maize hybrids sown in two locations. According to means for both trial locations, the observed hybrid combinations were ranked for the traits of grain yield and popping volume. Obtained ranks were used to calculate the Spearman shrank correlation coefficients. A gained value is not statistically significant, but it points to a weak dependence between these traits. Achieved results, once again, confirmed the difficulties of the task set before popping maize breeders - to select a hybrid combination with a high yield and at the same with a good popping volume.en
dc.description.abstractPored prinosa, ekonomski važne osobine, važna je i zapremina kokičavosti koju selekcionari poboljšavaju. To je glavna osobina koja odvaja kokičar od drugih tipova kukuruza. U ogledu sa hibridima kokičara koji je sejan na dve lokacije, određivan je prinos, zapremina kokičavosti i odnos ove dve podjednako važne osobine. Na osnovu srednjih vrednosti za obe ogledne lokacije rangirane su ispitivane hibridne kombinacije za osobine prinos zrna i zapremina kokičavosti. Dobijeni rangovi iskoriščeni su za izračunavanje Spearman-ovog koeficijenta korelacije ranga. Dobijena vrednost nije statistički značajna (0.133), ali ipak ukazuje na slabu zavisnost između ovih osobina. Ovi rezultati još jednom su potvrdili težinu zadatka koji se nalazi ispred oplemenjivača kukuruza kokičara, a to je da stvore hibrid koji će se istovremeno odlikovati visokim prinosom, ali i dobrom zapreminom kokič
dc.publisherDruštvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationMinistarstvo nauke Republike Srbije, projekat br. BT-6800B: Oplemenjivanje kukuruza šećerca i kokičara
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvo
dc.subjectpopping maizeen
dc.subjectpopping volumeen
dc.subjectrank correlationen
dc.subjectkukuruz kokičarsr
dc.subjectzapremina kokičavostisr
dc.subjectkorelacija rangasr
dc.titleThe relation between yielding and the popping volume of the popping maize hybrids (Zea mays L. everta)en
dc.titleOdnos rodnosti i zapremine kokičavosti hibrida kukuruza kokičara (Zea mays L. everta)sr
dc.citation.other12(3-4): 81-83



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