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Značaj i uloga plodoreda u proizvodnji pšenice

dc.creatorDolijanović, Željko
dc.creatorKovačević, Dušan
dc.creatorOljača, Snežana
dc.creatorSimić, Milena
dc.creatorJovanović, Života
dc.description.abstractIn recent times little attention has been paid to the crop rotation, as a system of utilization of the arable land under different crops (mainly annual ones). Reasons for the introduction of the crop rotation are numerous, and they are classified into biological, agro technical and organizational-economical ones. According to various research works in the World there are evidences that a proper crop rotation can solve about 70% problems related to pests and diseases. This paper deals with effects of the three- and four-crop rotation on the grain yield compared with winter wheat continuous cropping. Grain yields were recorded in the regular crop rotation experiment set up in the experimental field "Radmilovac" of the Faculty of Agriculture, during the period of 2000-2004. In the three-crop rotation variant following crops were maize, soybean and winter wheat. The four-crop rotation encompassed maize, winter wheat, red clover and spring barley + red clover. The winter wheat cultivars Pobeda grown under rainfed conditions on leached chernozem was studied. The analysis of variance of the winter wheat yield showed significant differences among years of investigation. The highest yield of winter wheat (4.53 t ha"1) was obtained in 2001, while the lowest one (3.05 t ha"1) was recorded in dry 2003. Grain yield of winter wheat in continuous cropping (3.70 t ha"1) was statistically very significantly lower than grain yield in the three- (4.11 t ha"1) and four-crop rotation (4.07 t ha"1), while difference in grain yield between the three- and the four-crop rotation variants was no statistically significant.en
dc.description.abstractPlodoredu kao sistemu korišćenja obradivih površina gajenjem različitih useva (uglavnom jednogodišnjih) se u poslednje vreme pridaje mali značaj. Razlozi za uvođenje plodoreda su brojni, a dele se na biološke, agrotehničke i organizaciono-ekonomske. Prema mnogim istraživanjima u svetu došlo se do zaključka da se pravilnim plodoredom može rešiti oko 70 % problema koji se odnose na bolesti i štetočine u ratarstvu. U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj gajenja pšenice u tropoljnom i četvoropoljnom plodoredu na prinos u odnosu na gajenje pšenice u monokulturi. Prinosi su mereni u okviru redovnih plodorednih polja na oglednom školskom dobru Poljoprivrednog fakulteta (Radmilovcu) u 2000,2001,2002,2003. i 2004. godini. U tropoljnom plodoredu zastupljeni su kukuruz, soja i ozima pšenica, a u červoropoljnom plodoredu kukuruz, ozima pšenica, crvena detelina i jari ječam+crvena detelina. Tip zemljišta na kome je gajena sorta ozime pšenice Pobeda, u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima je izluženi černozem. Na osnovu statističke analize dobijenih rezultata, došlo se do zaključka da su prinosi ozime pšenice u ispitivanim godinama bili statistički značajno različiti. Najviši prinos dobijen je u 2001. godini (4,53 t/ha) a najmanji u sušnoj 2003. godini (3,05 t/ha). Prinos ozime pšenice u monokulturi (3,70 t/ha) je bio statistički vrlo značajno niži u odnosu na prinos dobijen u tropoljnom (4,11 t/ha) i četveropoljnom plodoredu (4,07 t/ha), dok razlika u prinosu ostvarenom u tropoljnom i četveropoljnom plodoredu nije bila statistički znač
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectčetveropoljni plodoredsr
dc.subjectozima pšenicasr
dc.subjecttropoljni plodoredsr
dc.titleThe importance and the role of the crop rotation in the winter wheat productionen
dc.titleZnačaj i uloga plodoreda u proizvodnji pšenicesr
dc.citation.other66(3): 65-72

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